February is my least favorite month of the year. I am tired of the winter already and can't wait for warmer days. A time when I do not mind turning into a hermit for a while and totally concentrate on painting. I started working on a new series and plan to inaugurate them with an open studio reception later, maybe in April or May. Two large paintings are finished already and several others are well underway. I am quite excited about it, not thinking about anything else for the moment, hence why there are less frequent posts to this blog. Below, I am in my studio playing with my devoted mate Paolo, during a relaxing moment.
Now back to work.
Hey Chris,mensenlief een foto die ik zal opslaan, een mooie foto, waarop te zien is dat Paolo, veel genegenheid krijgt van zijn baasje, de vriendschap tussen mens en dier, mooi, en een prachtschilderij aan de muur... die ik herken,zou dat kunnen??
What a beautifull picture.
I can't wait to see your new paintings.
You are not going to post them here before your show I suppose.
I am so curious.
See you soon.
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