Tuesday, July 29, 2008


This painting was finished about 10 yeas ago. It shares the subject with my new work in the previous post. It is always interesting to see how someone's style evolves with time.

Enchanted Rocks   oil on canvas   48" X 48"   Chris De Dier
available from the artist. call for pricing. http://www.chrisdedier.com/

Monday, July 14, 2008

Enchanted Paintings

The following paintings share a common theme. Details of the Enchanted Rock near Fredericksburg, TX served as inspiration. Click on the images to see them enlarged.

Enchanted Rocks X oil on canvas 60" X 48" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks XI oil on canvas 60" X 48" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks VII oil on canvas 48" X 48" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks VIII oil on canvas 48" X 48" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks IV oil on canvas 48" X 48" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks VI oil on canvas 48" X 48" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks III oil on canvas 48" X 48" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks IX oil on canvas 48" X 72" Chris De Dier

Enchanted Rocks V oil on canvas 48" X 48" Chris De Dier

All images copyright Chris De Dier

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Studio Gallery

It's not exactly a suitable space to serve as art gallery. It wasn't bad either.

Last Thursday's Open Studio was an event that I hope to be able to repeat annually. It was a pleasure meeting people, making new connections and showing friends what I have been working on during the last few months. It took several days of intensive labor to get the house in exhibition mode. Far from ideal, it was well worth the effort and I think it looked acceptable.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Open Studio Invitation

Architectural Frivolity

The Paris Opera makes me think of a fancy chocolate box... totally unnessary but always pleasing that certain people thought about creating it and leaving it as a fancy gift to future generations.