It is a pleasure to introduce my new studio assistant, Paolo, a 4 month old Italian Greyhound. He will be my companion and advisor, reminding me of taking an occasional break from work during the day to go outside and smell the flowers together.
We picked him up at his mom's home yesterday and now I have my hands full teaching him the basic rules and who is boss of our household.... me of course.
He comes from a reputable breeder, right here in Austin. Layle Griffioen is serious about her breeding program and ambitious in showing her dogs.
Making a selection from this litter was difficult because his brother and sister were equally cute but in the end Paolo seemed to carry the crown with exceptional good looks and friendly personality.
Hallo Chris, veel plezier met jouw hond,ik weet zo, dat hij bij jou in goede handen is, veel chance ermee,
En dat mooie hondje zal zo bedorven worden, dat ik het al zie gebeuren...
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